생두 수입 및 홀빈커피 제조
Importing green beans and producing whole bean coffee

Goyang coffee institute's mother company GonggamINT Inc does its best to produce the best coffee.
We think of the labors in the tropics where they produce coffee, and as an important medium, we endeavor to make acquaintance between persons. We will keep striving more to think our coffee-consuming customers.
커피 유통 및 사업교육 서비스
Coffee distribution and business education service

Jangjehyeoncoffee recommends a coffee that suit customers' taste, presents the best coffee flavor by customers' participation and approaches with customized service.
You can enjoy cost-effective, deep and high-quality coffee everyday by professional coffee specialists' regular home teaching.
Finally, we graft our unstinting training system with baristas' passion who extract best flavors at coffee bars and we support them.
고용노동부 지정 직업훈련 바리스타 학원
Ministry of Employment and Labor's designated job training barista institute

As coffee professional education institute, by developing education system that suits barista's business ability, creating employment and new jobs, we promise lavish support to from job applicants to people who prepare reemployment.
커피 문화 & 지역사회 활동
Coffee culture & Community activities

커피 문화가 모체가 되어
서로 다른 세계에 살고 있는 이들이
커피를 통해 소통하고, 마음을 나눌 수 있도록 돕겠습니다.
Having coffee culture as core, we will help all the people living in the different countries communicate by coffee and share the hearts.